Sunday, March 6, 2011

Zildjian A Custom

I just recently purchased a set of Zildjian A Custom cymbals. I'll have to say this purchase was well worth the money spent. I bought them from Musicians Friend which made me a little nervous considering most drummers like to "test" out the cymbals before they buy them. The whole set of these cymbals sound amazing coming right out of the box and are beautiful ( I almost didn't want to hit them). The 14" hi-hats have a nice "chic" sound to them and ring nicely when opened. The 20" ride has got a great bell on it that cuts through everything, and the cymbal itself has a tone that could be used with any genre of music. Along with the package came two crash cymbals, 16" and 18", that are loud! Just huge crash sounds! They also have good soft tones when playing softer music. This whole set of cymbals just makes my kit sound like I wanted it to. I couldn't be happier with the cymbals. So if your in the market for some cymbals, check out the A Customs.

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